Frequently Asked Question

How do I Setup SharkGate Secure Badge for my site?
Last Updated 2 years ago

We are happy to present our security badge and banners. With our security materials, when visiting your site, customers will know that your site is protected. It reassures your customers that you chose OneHourSiteFix to keep your site clean from malware, viruses, Trojan horses and other malicious content. You can use OneHourSiteFix on your homepage and key positions on your site such as a payment checkout, or simply place it on the header or footer of your site.More information at

Display Our Logo To Build Trust On Your Own Site

Our logos and banners are a great way to reassure your customers that you choose OneHourSiteFix to keep your site clean from malware, viruses, trojan horses and other malicious content. It shows them you take your visitors privacy and data very seriously. OneHourSiteFix offers banners and logos that you can use on your homepage and key positions on your site such as a payment checkout.

Logo Reassurance

Let your customers know that your site is protected. Add our logos to your site.


If we can be of any help please don’t hesitate to ask.

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