Frequently Asked Question

How to Check Domain Registrar
Last Updated 2 years ago

Domain Registrar is a company that manages registration and reservation of Internet Domain Names. It is basically a company that ensures your domain name exists.

In most cases website owners will have the domain registered in the same place where they also host the site, but that does not have to always be the case.

How to check where is your Domain Name registered?

Simplest way to go about it is to use tool. A check with this tool will provide you with quite a lot of info about your website, but the part that is needed here is the Registrar information.
On the example of domain the Registrar is GoDaddy:

Registrar example

At the Company (Registrar) where Domain Name is registered the owner can also determine how will the domain behave - where it will point, will the owners data be hidden etc.

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